WOD 1-1-18
6 DB Clusters (45/25 lb.) 12 Burpees 12 DB Plank Rows (45/25 lb.) 6 Burpee Box Jumps (30/24 in.) AMRAP 20 min.

WOD 12-29-17
4-8-12-16 and so on: Russian KB Swings (24/16 kg) KB OH Sit-ups (single-arm) KB SDHPs 200-m KB Carry between rounds As far as...

WOD 12-28-17
Thruster 1-1-1-1-1-1-1

WOD 12-27-17
100 Double-unders 15 Strict Pull-ups 80 Double-unders 20 Chest-to-Bar Pull-ups 60 Double-unders 25 Pull-ups

WOD 12-26-17
4 Hang Power Snatches (135/95 lb.) 6 Lateral Burpees Over the Bar AMRAP 12 min.

WOD 12-25-17
12 DAYS OF CHRISTMAS 1. Clean & Jerk 2. HSPU 3. Front Squats 4. Ring Dips 5. Pull-ups 6. Box Jumps 7. Burpees 8. Push-ups 9. Wall Balls...
WOD 12-22-17
20 Rope Climbs Every 2 min. perform 50-ft. Handstand Walk

WOD 12-21-17
20 Hip Extensions (Weighted) 400-m Run 20 Anchored Sit-ups (Weighted) 3 rounds

WOD 12-20-17
Hang Squat Clean 2-2-2-2-2

WOD 12-19-17
500-m Row 8 Power Snatches (115/75 lb.) 16 Knees-to-Elbows 4 rounds