WOD 9/6/19
50 Front Squats @ 3/4 BW Every time you put the barbell down, perform 25 Double-unders. Rest 2 min. 40 Front Squats @ BW Every time you...
WOD /9/5/19
5 Bench Presses (225/115 lb.) 10 Strict Pull-ups 15 MB Weighted Hip Extensions (14/10 lb.) AMRAP 12 min.
WOD 9/4/19
16 Plate OH Walking Lunges (25/15 lb.) 25/15 cal. Assault Bike In what is remaining of 4 min., perform: Handstand Hold 4 rounds...
WOD 9/3/19
Part 1: Squat Clean 1-1-1-1-1 Part 2: Find your heaviest: 3-Position Squat Clean 1 High Hang 1 Hang 1 Full
WOD 9/2/19
"Loredo" Six rounds for time of: 24 Squats 24 Push-ups 24 Walking lunge steps Run 400 meters