300 Club
This month we are introducing the 300 club for members that have reached their 300th WOD Hopper check in! Congratulations to April's Athletes! Thanks for being a part of the LRX family while you've been working so hard towards your goals! 300 Club Athletes are eligible to purchase exclusive gear.

Natalie Johnson:
Favorite Lift: Snatch
Favorite Post WOD Ritual: Stretch and eat: fruit snacks, Rice Krispy Treat, and a protein shake
Biggest Win: Having the opportunity to inspire other woman to be better versions of themselves.

Khonnah Weithers:
Favorite Cheat Meal: Pasta or Double-Fudge Chocolate brownie IceCream over warm brownies.
Favorite WOD: Helen or Karen
Goals for 2017:
Improve swimming skills for Sprint Triathlon. Get pull-ups for Helen. Rx most WODs.

Teddy Weithers
Favorite Games Athlete: Elisabeth Akinwale
Last Accomplished Goal: Snatch 150lbs
Next Goal to Accomplish: Strict Ring Muscle-up
Sports Played: Basketball, Swimming, Cycling, Martial Arts

Erin Schlaman
Favorite Zumba Song: Sa`bed Rebelde by Daddy Yankee
Favorite Donut: Boston Cream
Best Memory at CrossFit Berrien: "I got my first pull-up, it was a rush and my first goal I had set for myself and accomplished. I proved to myself I could accomplish whatever I set me mind to."

Justin Bates
Favorite Movement: Front Squats
Workout Buddy: Sean or Brothers
Favorite WOD: Anything long and miserable preferably in the sun
Toughest WOD: 15.5 or 17.1

Sabeulah Bates
Deadlift PR: 240
What does CFB Mean to You: Working out with younger friends who motivate me to get faster & stronger. Keeps me young!
Goals for 2017: Toes to Bar, Higher Deadlift